This blog is not exactly a music blog (even though there are some great links to some excellent music here!) but the 'back stage' to the PEPPERMINT IGUANA HQ. Lots of info and reviews on Gigs, Festivals, Parties, Cd's, Books, Protests, travels, photography and Cardiff City FC. The blogs run by the word-smith and maestro Clint Iguana. Clint has been been giving out recommendations for this blog and the music + mixes over the last year(s?) so it was about time to repay the man! Click on the link and see what's going on in the welsh valleys - much more than here in sleepy Cambridge!
This is what Clint says about PEPPERMINT IGUANA:
"It first sprung into life in 1995 as a 'collective', a gang of mates from the Blackwood area of the South Wales valleys, putting on gigs, publishing a fanzine and running a website. We were motivated by the fact we had to travel miles to see most of the bands we liked and there was virtually nowhere to read about the scene that we loved. Over the next few years the gang put on 20 or so gigs with a mixture of local bands and big names from the 'underground' music scene; such as Tofu Love Frogs, P.A.I.N., Inner Terrestrials, Citizen Fish, Headmix, Tarrantism, Dubmerge, Astralaisa, New Model Army; published 4 fanzines and went through several versions of the website. Not exactly prolific, but we had a laugh and brought a little bit of fun to to the valleys. Life took its toll though, births, deaths, marriages, divorces, new jobs, redundancies, moving houses, going back to college... we had it all within the crew. So here we are, 2007 and Peppermint Iguana is not quite a collective anymore, just a very small band of radical groovers still trying to let the world know that there is a revolution going on and it's got a cracking soundtrack. We have been busy of late though and a new and improved website should be hitting cyberspace early 2007"