Hi all - I haven't bought much in the way of new music this month - all the muso's must be too busy playing at muddy fests or sunning themselves on small islands!
So this gave me the chance to put a dub plate selection together - my kind of easy-listening music! I don't pretend to be an authority on dub - but I've been picking up these platters from shacks like Daddy Kool since the early eighties.
You'll find there's absolutely no structure or reason to the track ordering because it was very much a random pick and blend scenario - any connections between the tracks I would put down to the work of Jah!
::: DUBSTA chapter 1 MP3 HERE @ b00mb0x :::
DUBSTA chapter 1 ::: S*A*T ::: 2007
(01) 'brown paper bag' - me&you
(02) 'jump up dub' - king tubby & ranking dread
(03) 'storming the death star' - prince jammy & roots radics
(04) 'checkpoint charlie' - mad professor
(05) 'northern lights' - bush chemists
(06) 'blood sweat & dunza dub' - king tubby (king of dub)
(07) 'sufferer's song' - (black magic dub)
(08) 'chapter three' - joe gibbs
(09) 'dub it star' - scientist & ranking dread
(10) 'killer dub' - boozoo bajou
(11) 'dub remedies' - south
(12) 'rockers galore' - butch cassidy sound system
(13) 'jah love rockers dub' - king tubby
(14) 'mass murder & corruption' - scientist
(15) 'strictly dub' - blackbeard
(16) 'dunza dub' - (rockers almighty dub)
(17) 'weep & wail' - roots radics
(18) 'visions dub' - daddy roots
(19) 'sunshine dub' - vibe tribe soundsystem
(20) 'champion dub' - king tubby
(21) 'keep on dubbing' - augustus pablo
1' 13' 54 ::: 101.5 MB ::: S*A*T ::: 2007